Sports Science & Fitness Congress 2017

Wolfram Müller

Wolfram Müller
Wolfram Müller
Wolfram Müller is Professor for Biophysics at the Medical University of Graz, Austria. His research fields are
Biophysics, Medical Physics, Body Composition and Anthropometry, Sports Medicine, Exercise Physiology and Physics of Sports.

He had appointments as Coordinator of the IOC Working Group on Body Composition, Health and performance (2009-2012); Director of the Centre of Human Performance Research Graz (HPR), Graz, Austria (2007-2011); Visiting Professor at the University of Utah, USA, at the Department of Bioengineering and at the Cardio Vascular Research and Training Institute (CVRTI, 2000/2001); Professor of Medical Physics.

Wolfram had practical activities in sports with scientific support of Olympic level athletes in the fields of body composition, sport physics, biomechanics, aerodynamics, and training sciences (alpine skiing, ski jumping, nordic combined, bobsleigh, tornado sailing, gymnastics). Coach in alpine skiing (Austrian National Skiing Team, 1980-1984) and coach in acrobatic gymnastics (until 2000). Development of physical exercise programs for the general public (ORF 2015).